Student Handbook
This handbook is designed to assist you and your student. It is not all-inclusive, but does cover most of the items that commonly concern our school community.
Yelm Community Schools embraces the diversity within our schools and seeks to create a nurturing and barrier-free learning environment for each student. To achieve this goal we commit to:
- Preparing our students to thrive in a multicultural and diverse society.
- Ensuring fair, equitable and inclusive principles are integrated into our policies, programs, operations and practices.
- Creating school and classroom cultures that are free of bias-based language or behaviors.
- Eliminating barriers that perpetuate negative outcomes.
- Providing all students the resources, opportunities and supports needed to succeed at high levels.
- Honoring and building upon the strengths and assets of every student.
- Welcoming and engaging families and community members as essential partners.
Please read through the handbook with your student in order to better understand the essential information regarding our school. Please sign the Student-Family Handbook Awareness Form on the last page and return it to your student’s teacher as soon as possible.
As a staff, we encourage your active involvement in your student’s education. A strong partnership between home and school will greatly benefit your student as she/he learns and grows. We are here to assist you and your student and invite you to call or stop by the front office whenever we may be of service to you.
Thank you for your support!
Rebecca Fowler
Important Numbers
Handbook Sections
- Optimal Learning Environment
- Attendance Information
- Discipline
- Parent Involvement
- School Procedures
- Student Learning
- Student Support & Services
Optimal Learning Environment
Yelm Community Schools embraces the diversity within our schools and seeks to create a nurturing and barrier-free learning environment for each student. To achieve this goal we commit to:
- Preparing our students to thrive in a multicultural and diverse society.
- Ensuring fair, equitable and inclusive principles are integrated into our policies, programs, operations and practices.
- Creating school and classroom cultures that are free of bias-based language or behaviors.
- Eliminating barriers that perpetuate negative outcomes.
- Providing all students the resources, opportunities and supports needed to succeed at high levels.
- Honoring and building upon the strengths and assets of every student.
- Welcoming and engaging families and community members as essential partners.
Attendance Information
Yelm Community Schools places a high priority on school attendance. Students are expected to be to class on time. When a student’s tardiness becomes frequent (after 5 per semester), the student shall be referred to school administrator for support. In addition, excessive tardiness may result in the school requiring an attendance agreement. Studies prove that daily attendance has a direct impact on student achievement. Our goal is to have every student arrive on time and attend a full day of school. State law and district policy contain provisions regarding mandatory attendance of students and excused absences. An explanation of these provisions (BECCA Bill State Law Regulations for Unexcused Absences) will be sent home with each Mill Pond student at the beginning of the school year. Further information is available in the Yelm School Board Policy Manual available for public review at the District Office or any school office.
School Hours and Supervision Before/After School
School hours are 9:15 a.m. to 3:45 p.m. The safety of students is of utmost importance to us. Students should not arrive on campus before 9:05 a.m. on regular start days and 10:05 a.m. on late start Wednesdays. We have no regular after school supervision available. To ensure student safety, all students must be picked up 3:45 p.m. Individual after school activities will be communicated by supervising teacher.
8:55 a.m. Students begin arriving on campus and eat breakfast or report to classroom
9:15 a.m. Students expected to be in their seats for morning announcements (2nd bell)
3:45 p.m. Students dismissed
One-Hour Late Start Wednesdays
This year, we will have a one-hour late arrival each Wednesday of the school year, with the exceptions of the first week of school, SBA weeks, and parent conference weeks. On one-hour late starts, Mill Pond Elementary School hours are 10:15 a.m. -3:45 p.m. More information about late start schedules is available in the front office.
Attendance Line
Mill Pond Elementary School 24 Hour Attendance Line: 360.458.8071. When your student is TARDY, please leave a message on our attendance line, or send a written note. All students must come in to the office to be checked in by a parent prior to going to the classroom. When your student is ABSENT, please leave a message on our attendance line, or send a written excuse upon your student’s return to school (please keep in mind if we do not receive a phone call, our attendance secretary will call to inquire about their absence).
Definition of “Excused Absences”
Students are expected to attend ALL assigned classes each day unless excused by the parent/guardian for valid reasons below.
Participation In A School-Approved Activity: This absence must be authorized by a staff member and prior notification must be provided to parent/guardian for approval. (IE., field trips)
Illness, Health Condition, Health Care Appointments, Family Emergency, or Religious/Cultural Purpose: We encourage parents/guardians to schedule appointments during non-school hours whenever possible. School officials may require a health professional’s written note when a student has more than 3 consecutive absences. Families are encouraged to acquire a health professional’s written note whenever possible and submit a copy to the Attendance Office.
Parental/Family Pre-Arranged Absence: Parents/Guardians are to notify the school if there will be a pre-arranged absence from school. The absence may be classified as unexcused if the student is under an Attendance Agreement, BECCA order, has an adverse effect on the student’s education or the student has already reach 10 absences for the school year or 10% of the current year. The Pre-Arranged Absence Form is available at each school office.
Court, judicial proceedings, court-ordered activity, or absences related to homeless or foster care status.
Suspensions from school.
Definition of “Unexcused Absences”
Unexcused absences are defined as “failure on the part of the parent/guardian to notify the school in a timely manner.”
Reporting Absence Procedures
When your child will be absent from school, you can notify the school in two ways:
Send an email to: and provide reason.
Call the attendance line at 360.458.8071 and provide reason.
If your student has not arrived to school or the school hasn’t been notified of the absence by 10:30 a.m. an automated phone call, email and/or text will be sent to parent/guardian.
Chronic Absenteeism
Chronic absenteeism incorporates all absences: excused, unexcused and suspensions. The focus is on the academic consequences due to the loss of instructional time and preventing absences before students fall behind. Chronic absenteeism is defined as missing more than 10% of the school year.
Process for Truancy
The following truancy procedures will be followed prior to filing a full petition.
Tier 1
1-2 Unexcused Absences: Parent/Guardian will be contacted via School Messenger, E-mail, letter or phone call
3 Unexcused Absences: Schedule a meeting with school personnel to find solutions
IEP/504 Accruing Students: Case manager will convene an IEP meeting to develop a plan
Tier 2
4 Unexcused Absences/Excessive Excused Absences or 10% of the school year: Students will be placed on attendance contract
Tier 3
5 Unexcused Absences/Excessive Excused Absences or 10% of the school year: The school will file a stay petition with Thurston County Juvenile Court and schedule community Truancy Board Meeting
Students not attending school as court ordered results in school filling a contempt and progress report Thurston County Juvenile Court.
Monitor and review expiration date. Attendance – Policy 3122
The rules contained herein are meant to regulate student conduct at school, at all school-sponsored activities, and off-campus that adversely affects the school-learning climate. Depending on the circumstance of the student’s violation, school authorities may, in compliance with state law and the rules of the State Board of Education, Chapter 180-40 WAC, impose discipline. District Policies are available in the Student Rights & Responsibility Handbook.
Discipline procedures will follow district policies.
Student Conduct – Policy 3240
Classroom Management, Discipline & Corrective Action – Policy 3241
Exceptional Misconduct – Policy 3241
Student Sexual Harassment – Policy 3205
Use of Tobacco and Nicotine Products & Delivery Devices – Policy 4215
District Policies are available in the on the website.
- Behavior Plan
- CrimeStoppers 1.800.222.TIPS (8477)
- Dress Code
- Harassment, Intimindation and Bullying (HIB)
- Money, Valuables & Toys
Behavior Plan
The Mill Pond staff is dedicated to creating and maintaining a positive and productive environment for all students. Since student behavior and a quality learning climate are closely related, we believe it is worth the effort to encourage and reinforce cooperation and responsible behavior from our students. Our school-wide discipline plan is designed to bring about an increased recognition and promotion of good behavior. If problems arise, we will work positively to find solutions. If a student has difficulty assuming responsibility at school, parents may be asked to conference with us and/or support us in developing an appropriate plan for greater success. Staff and students at Mill Pond Elementary will work together to help each other reach their fullest potential. Everyone will be treated with respect and dignity. Mill Pond students show their best with: Be Respectful, Responsible, and Ready to Learn.
The District Behavior Policy, titled Rights and Responsibilities is a booklet that provides more information about students’ rights, responsibilities, discipline guidelines, as well as other district details and regulations.
CrimeStoppers 1.800.222.TIPS (8477)
- Calling 800-222-TIPS(8477)
- Submitting Online at
- Download the P3 App to your mobile device
As always, tipsters remain 100% anonymous and could possibly be rewarded up to $1,000. Remember to save your “tip number” in order to follow up and receive a reward. Anyone having knowledge about dangerous situations or crimes (past, present or future) can report a tip.
Dress Code
In order to facilitate learning for all students, YCS requires that student dress and appearance follow health and safety standards and not cause disruption to the learning environment. Students who do not follow these guidelines will be asked to change their clothing, cover up, and/or contact home if necessary.
Heads: K-5 students must remove all headwear while in the building. Headwear includes hats, hoods, headbands with animal ears, bandanas and head wraps. (Exceptions will be made for medical, religious and other approved reasons.)
Torso: Clothing must cover stomachs, backs, shoulders, chests and undergarments.
Legs: Shorts, skirts and dresses must be longer than mid-thigh. Undergarments must be covered.
Feet: Footwear must be worn at all times appropriate to the activity. Strapless shoes and high heels are discouraged for safety.
- Clothing that promotes drugs, alcohol, tobacco, violence, is sexually suggestive, or displays inappropriate pictures or writing is prohibited.
- Any clothing worn in a manner identified as gang related is prohibited.
- Jewelry that can pose safety hazards is prohibited.
- Exceptions to dress code standards may be made for PE or school activities.
What students wear does affect the way they think about, and behave toward, their tasks at school, their peers, and adults. Please consider this as you help your child make appropriate choices for school clothes.
Harassment, Intimindation and Bullying (HIB)
Schools are meant to be safe and inclusive environments where all students are protected from Harassment, Intimidation, and Bullying (HIB), including in the classroom, on the school bus, in school sports, and during other school activities.
View the full definition of HIB, Sexual Harassment, Civil Rights and Gender Inclusive procedures.
Money, Valuables & Toys
Parent Involvement
- Communication
- Expenses
- Family Access
- Parent Boosters
- Report Cards/Conferences
- Supplies and Expenses
- Visitors
- Volunteer
Throughout the school year your student will bring home flyers for a variety of programs or activities in our district or in the community. Online, you can visit our school’s website. We appreciate your communication with us and encourage you to contact us with any questions, comments, and/or concerns you may have.
To minimize disruptions in the classroom, we do not forward phone calls to staff during the school day. However, we are happy to take a message or put you through to the classroom before or after school.
Communication Concerns
Please communicate student concerns as they arise. When you have a concern, please email the teacher or call the office to schedule a meeting. We will work as a team to create, implement, and monitor a plan of action to address the concern.
Telephone or Email
During school hours, you can call our office to talk to a staff member before or after school. Teachers do not have voicemail available to them. However, our office staff will gladly give the message to your student’s teacher so they may return your call. If you prefer e-mail communication you can contact any staff member by using their (for example:
Extra costs do occur throughout the school year, including: meals, field trips, school pictures, etc. There are also instances when students are asked to pay for lost or damaged books and equipment. These assessments are made by the teacher, media specialist or principal as circumstances dictate. Any family needing financial assistance (scholarships) for their student’s school expenses are asked to contact the principal at 360.458.3400
Family Access
Family Access is a web-based tool designed to give parents/guardians and students access to student information to support achievement. Students and parent/guardians each have their own access.
Need help with your access or need to access tutorials?
- Attendance
- Grades/Academic Progress/Test Scores
- Class Schedules & Teacher Contacts
- Lunch Balances
- Conference Scheduling
- And much more!
Parent Boosters
Report Cards/Conferences
Supplies and Expenses
Visitors need to sign in and out at the office and pick up a visitor’s badge. As a courtesy to our teaching staff and to coordinate their schedule with yours, please make an appointment to meet with the principal, counselor or your student’s teacher. Visitors are not allowed on the playground at any time with the exception of Family Luncheon Days.
As we work to create a safe and respectful learning environment, volunteers are asked to:
Sign in and out at the front office
Wear a visit badge when working in the school
Honor the privacy of students
Be sure to allow time to check in at the office.
If you are unable to be here at the arranged date and time, please notify the teacher.
Parent volunteers are not allowed on the playground.
Volunteers are a vital part of our students' education. To volunteer in a school during the school year, an application must be completed online. All volunteers must receive clearance through the Washington Access to Criminal History (WATCH) before volunteering. Clearance is granted for one school year only.
Volunteers can work directly with the office or a classroom teacher, with our Booster Club, or with our Counselor through our Watch D.O.G.S and M.O.M.S program.
School Procedures
- Birthdays
- Electronic and Phone Use
- Emergency Closure
- Emergency Drills
- Field Trips
- Lost & Found
- Newsletter
- School Messenger
- Transportation
Below are some of the reasons we have made this change.
To minimize disruptions to the instructional day.
To minimize sugary or unhealthy treats and the impact they have on our students’ health and wellbeing.
To create an atmosphere of equity among our students.
To reduce possible food allergens and latex allergens in the classroom.
To follow the guidelines for food in schools.
Please be assured, staff members will continue to recognize birthdays in special ways. We ask for your cooperation as we continue to work together to create the best environment for your children. Students are not allowed to hand out party invitations at school. This causes hurt feelings for students who do not receive invitations and disrupts the classroom environment. Teachers may discreetly place individually addressed invitations in student folders.
Electronic and Phone Use
While on school property or while attending school-sponsored /school-related activities, students may not use personal telecommunication devices, including but not limited to: pagers, beepers and cellular phones. Students in possession of telecommunications devices and other related electronic devices shall observe the following conditions:
Devices shall not be used in a manner that disrupts the educational process, including, but not limited to, posing a threat to academic integrity, violating confidentiality, or privacy rights of another individual.
Students shall not send, share, view or possess pictures, text messages, emails or other material of a sexually explicit nature in electronic or any other form on a cell phone or other electronic device while the student is on school grounds, at school sponsored events, on school buses, or vehicles provided by the district.
Students who violate this policy will be subject to disciplinary action, including suspension or expulsion; and losing the privilege of bringing the device onto school property. In addition, an administrator may confiscate or, with reasonable cause, search the device which shall only be returned to the student’s parent/guardian. Content or images that violate criminal laws will be forwarded to law enforcement. By bringing a cell phone and/or other electronic devices to school or school sponsored events, the student and parents’ consent to the search of the device when school officials have a reasonable suspicion that such a search will reveal a violation of school rules.
Students are responsible for devices they bring to school. The district shall not be responsible for loss, theft or destruction of devices brought onto school property.
Students shall comply with any additional rules develop by the school concerning the appropriate use of telecommunication or other electronic devices.
Emergency Closure
View Flash Alert for today's status OR to subscribe to receive text or email alerts
Sometimes during the school year, we face the possibility of inclement weather resulting in school closure or schedule changes. Typically, families will be notified of emergency schedule changes by an automated phone call, email and/or text. We will announce closures and delays as early as possible but not later than 5:30 a.m. Occasionally circumstances change quickly and late announcements are unavoidable. The following information is for reference in the event that the schools are closed or buses operate on an emergency schedule:
- School Closure: All schools will be closed all day and any activities planned for the day or evening will be announced by 12pm on the district website.
- Emergency Schedule: Indicates that schools will start on a delayed schedule. Parents are reminded that although the buses will start the runs later, if we are on an emergency schedule, the buses may be slightly later near the end of the run. We request that parents make allowances for this.
- Limited Transportation: Limited transportation will prevail if some roads become inaccessible or if the county announces road closures. If we alter a route, we will send an automated message. School will be in session unless otherwise announced by the Superintendent’s Office.
Stay informed about Emergency Closures & Delays by
- Signing up for FLASH ALERT to receive an email notification.
- Updating your Family Access email and home & cell numbers
- Opting In for Text Messaging (Text YES to 67587)
- Following Yelm Community Schools social media platforms
- Visiting the district website for detailed information and updates
- Tuning in to other media outlets
It is requested that parents/guardians do not call the media stations for closure information.
AM Stations | FM Stations | TV Stations |
KGTK 920
KOMO 1000
KGY 1240
KITZ 1400
KPLU 88.5
KMPS 94.1
KXXO 96.1
KGY 96.9
KIRO 97.3
KRWM 106.9
Emergency Drills
Field Trips
At Mill Pond Elementary, we feel that field trips are a very valuable educational experience. When a class is scheduled to go on a field trip, you will receive the information and a permission form to sign. Unfortunately, students will not be allowed to leave school without a signed parent permission form on hand prior to departure. Students with fines/fees will need to pay these before a field trip. Parents wishing to accompany their child on a field trip as a chaperone must have completed a Volunteer Disclosure Form and have passed a background check. This form must be completed each year. Forms are available in the office. Siblings are not allowed to accompany Mill Pond students on field trips because siblings are not covered by school insurance. If a parent volunteers to chaperone, they must find daycare for other children.
Lost & Found
Found items are kept in or near the school office. Found items that are identified with the student’s name will be returned. With this in mind, please remember to label your student’s clothing and supplies. Items not claimed will be given to a charitable organization. Articles lost on busses are usually kept by the individual driver for a period of time and are then turned into the lost and found department at the bus garage. You may contact the bus garage at 458-3300.
We have many opportunities to communicate information with our families. Our newsletter has timely information on upcoming events, activities, and news about what is happening at Mill Pond and around the Yelm community. The newsletter is posted to the school website. Newsletters will be electronically sent to your home, paper copies will be available in the school office.
School Messenger
Dropping Off Students At School
Please wait until after 9:05 a.m. to drop off your student. Pull forward to the while line, when pulling up to the curb. Do not leave your vehicle unattended. If you need to enter the school, please use the parking area. Please be very cautious pulling away from the curb. Wednesday drop off on late arrival Wednesdays is 10:05 a.m.
Picking Up Students From School
If there is a change in your students normal routine, either bus, walking, or parent pickup, an email must be sent to the Mill Pond Office by 2:30 p.m. Please email with changes. Verbal directions to your child cannot be accepted as a change. When picking up students early, please come to the office, and your student will meet you there. If someone other than a parent is picking up the student, be sure you send written authorization indicating that. To ensure the safety of our students, all students who are picked up from school must be signed out in the log book in the office when checked out during the day. When picking up students after school, parents are to meet students and sign them out in the gym. Please do not ask your student to meet you in the parking lot. As school attendance is important and early pick-ups are disruptive to the educational process; we encourage parents to wait until school is dismissed before picking up their child.
End of Day Procedures
The office has a record for each student for the end of the day pickup. If there is a change from the normal routine, either bus, walking, or parent pickup, a note or email by 2:30 p.m. is required. Verbal directions to your child cannot be accepted as a change. If you have set up a schedule change for certain days of every week, we will automatically write a note indicating that change. Please notify the office with any changes.
Unless other arrangements have been made by a parent or guardian, students are expected to be transported from Mill Pond by bus at the end of each school day. A written note signed by parent/guardian or email is required anytime a student intends to ride a bus other than their regular route. Please remember that we cannot take messages to go home with a friend over the phone. Without a note, students will ride their regular bus home. If it is necessary to make a bus change, please contact our office email no later than 2:30 p.m. to ensure your student boards the appropriate bus. Our bus drivers review the bus rules with students at the beginning of the year. If you have questions about busing or need a copy of the rules, please call our transportation department at 360.458.3300.
Mill Pond now has a walking zone around the Mill Pond campus. Please see the transportation webpage to view the zone. Riding bikes to Mill Pond is allowed, we recommend students use bike locks for protection of their property. All students riding bikes are expected to wear safety helmets. We recommend students use bike locks for protection of their property. For safety reasons, scooters, skateboards, and other alternative modes of transportation are not allowed. Bikes, scooters, skate boards, or any type of motorized vehicle may not be ridden the school sidewalks.
Student Learning
- Classroom Placement and Retention
- Curriculum, Homework and Assessment
- District Technology Access
- Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS)
- Testing
- Textbooks and Library Books
Classroom Placement and Retention
The assignment of students to classrooms is a task requiring careful planning by the school staff. The procedure used at Mill Pond to develop elementary school class lists incorporating knowledge of the student and professional judgment of the staff.
The staff of Mill Pond recognizes the importance of a policy relating to the retention of students at the elementary level. There are many factors which influence the decision to retain an elementary student. A specific procedure will be followed for contemplating student retention. The final decision regarding whether or not to retain will always be made in the best interest of the child.
Curriculum, Homework and Assessment
State Learning Standards
Grade level learning standards provide details about what students should know and be able to do in each grade level. Standards are aligned from kindergarten through grade 10 so that parents, students, and teachers can see how skills and knowledge build from year to year. Standards are developed for each content area and can be found by visiting the Washington State Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI) website.
We believe that homework is an important part of the learning process. Homework reinforces skills taught in class and gives students an opportunity to practice these skills independently. It also fosters a sense of responsibility and provides an additional opportunity for communication between school and home. Parents can help by expecting their child to complete assignments and to turn them in on time. Teachers will provide homework for absent students providing the absence is excused (as detailed in the School Board Attendance Policies). Parents may contact our office to request homework for an absent student. 24 hours notice is required for the processing of all homework requests.
District Technology Access
The district is dedicated to promoting and instilling principles of digital citizenship and media literacy in students and encourages guardians to play an active role in the process of educating students. While the district takes great care to monitor and filter inappropriate websites, students are expected to be responsible users of their access and the educational technology tools made available. For a complete list of Student Responsible Use Guidelines, review the Student Rights and Responsibility Handbook and/or Policy and Procedure 2022/P on the district website at Yelm Community Schools.
Students will be given a unique user login and password to access educational technology tools. The login portal icon is available at the top of the school and district website for students to access at school or home. It is essential students keep this information private to ensure security of their school files and online accounts.
Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS)
The vision of Yelm Community Schools is to prepare ALL students for post-secondary pathways, careers, and civic engagement.
A Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) is a service delivery framework focused on prevention and problem solving for all students. An integrated MTSS connects all of the academic and non-academic interventions, supports, and services available in schools and communities to support instruction and eliminate barriers to learning and teaching. Within an MTSS framework, multiple levels of instruction, assessment, and intervention are designed to meet the academic and non-academic needs of ALL students.
Essential Components of an MTSS Framework
- Core Instruction and Tiered Continuum of Evidence-based Interventions and Supports (Tier I, II, III)
- Universal Screening and Progress Monitoring
- Data-based Decision Making
- Family Engagement and Community Partnerships
- Creating and maintaining the infrastructure to support an integrated MTSS Framework
Kindergarten, first, and second grade students are given Early Reading and Early Math assessments in October, January, and May. Second through fifth grade students will be given a computerized diagnostic test to determine grade level skill attainment for reading and math called the FAST Test. This will be given in the fall, winter, and spring. Third through fifth grade students will also take state testing (Smarter Balanced Assessment and WCAS).
Textbooks and Library Books
In Yelm Community Schools, textbooks are loaned free of charge. Please remind your child to be careful with school books and library books. Parents are responsible for replacing damaged or lost books. Students with library fines must pay before these fines before attending field trips and receiving final report card. Fines follow students throughout YCS
Student Support & Services
Food Service & Meals
Meal Service
The breakfast and lunch program is provided by our district’s Food Service department. Breakfast is served between 8:55 a.m. – 9:10 a.m. Lunch is served between 11:30 a.m– and 12:40 a.m. time dependent on grade level.
Meal Costs
Please check the website for an updated fee schedule.
Free and Reduced Meals
Meal benefits are available to families that meet income guidelines. Free and Reduced applications are available online through Skyward Family Access. Paper applications are available at school upon request or on our Food Service website.
If you have questions regarding your child’s meal account, please contact your school. For assistance with Free and Reduced application, please contact the district Food Service Department at 360.400.1151.
Online Payments
As a convenience to families, Yelm Community Schools provides an easy way to make online payments from home or work, 24/7. With just one login, you can make payments for any child in your household using Discover, VISA, or MasterCard credit or debit cards.
Online payments can be used to replenish a student’s food service account or pay for any existing fines or fees, such as class fees, athletic fees, or ASB activities.
Yelm Community Schools is fully compliant with all data protection laws, including PCI Data Security Standards. Yelm School District does not store your billing or payment information at any time. Any personal information you enter related to your credit card through this website is purged immediately. Any contact information you enter is stored for your convenience when using our website. Information you provide to us will only be used by Yelm Community Schools. We will never sell or rent your personal information to third parties.
Health Information
Common Health Care Procedures
Accident or Head Trauma: Parents will be notified regarding any incident that necessitates an accident report. In addition, any student who suffers trauma to the head at school will be assessed in the health room and parents will be notified.
Allergy Accommodations: Latex Allergy - Yelm Community Schools prohibits the use of all latex products, including latex balloons, due to severe allergies. Peanut Allergy - Please refrain from sending any peanut products due to severe allergies.
Diarrhea: Any student who has been having diarrhea will be sent home and may return to school when they have been free of diarrhea for 24 hours.
Fever: Any student with a fever of 100.4 or higher will be sent home and may return to school once the child has been fever free for 24 hours without the use of fever reducing medication.
Injury: If any child has an injury that prohibits them from participating in PE or other school activities, a note from the physician is needed to excuse participation. Please be sure the doctor includes when student can return to normal activity or provide a separate note.
Lice: The Infectious Disease Control Guide no longer recommends long-term exclusion for pediculosis/head lice. Head lice is a nuisance condition and is not known to transmit infection from person to person. Any student who presents with live lice will be sent home for treatment. Students may return to school when no live lice are present.
Rash: Any student with an undiagnosed rash will be sent home from school in order to be evaluated by a healthcare provider. The parent/guardian will be asked to provide a note from a healthcare provider upon return to school.
Vomiting: Any student who has been vomiting will be sent home and may return to school when they have not vomited in 24 hours.
Life Threatening Illness
If your child has an illness, which has the potential to cause death during the school day YCS must be made aware prior to the student’s first day of school. Examples of these conditions would be seizures, diabetes, allergies requiring an Epi Pen, severe asthma and/or any other condition that is considered to be life threatening. Parents/guardians are responsible to report this information to the Registered Nurse assigned to that school. Parents/guardians must provide the medication in its original container along with the medication authorization form prior to the first day of school. Students will be excluded from school until these requirements are met. (RCW 28A.210.320, District Policy 3413)
In order to protect children against a number of childhood diseases, Washington State Law requires that all children enrolled to YCS be immunized against varicella, diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, polio, measles, rubella, mumps and hepatitis b as appropriate. Parents may submit the Exemption from Immunization form. However, students will be excluded from school if they do not meet the requirements of the law. (RCW 28A.210.060, District Policy 3413)
Infectious Disease
In order to safeguard the school community from the spread of certain communicable diseases YCS will comply with the State Board of Health rules and regulations within the most current Infectious Disease Control Guide, provided by the State Department of Health and the Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction. (District Policy 3414.
YCS requires signed authorization forms for the dispensing of any prescription or non-prescription medicines to students. Forms must be signed by the physician as well as the parent/guardian and are available from the office. Physicians may fax this information to our school at 360.458.6315. All medications must be delivered to and picked up from the school by the parent/guardian in the original container. Most medications can be dispensed by the parent/guardian before or after school. Please ask your healthcare provider for guidance on medication delivery times. (RCW 28A.210.260 & 270, District Policy 3416)
School Counselor and Conferences
Through a comprehensive developmental school counseling program, our school counselor works with school staff, parents and the community to create a caring climate and atmosphere. By providing education, prevention, early identification and intervention, our school counselor can help students achieve academic success. Please contact the main office for assistance from our school counselor.